Hello & Welcome! I'm so happy that you're here and thank you for taking the time to learn a bit more about me!

My name is Christina, I'm a native New Yorker, and I'm the yoga teacher over here at ChriskaYoga. I have a background in dance having studied movement all my life, and along with my 500 hour Yoga Teaching certification in the YogaWorks Method, I also have a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in dance and choreography.

I know a lot about the body & the way it moves, and I want to help you achieve a healthier and happier body, mind, & spirit!

I created the ChriskaYoga YouTube Channel back in October 2014 as a way to reach as many people as physically possible with the amazing and life-changing message of yoga. There is absolutely no way that I could share my love of yoga with people all over the world by only teaching local yoga classes! I wanted to think and reach BIG and FAR!

I just want to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time out of your day to be here. Not only because I am grateful for your support, but also because YOU deserve it. What I mean is that you deserve to learn and understand that yoga can help you have and achieve anything you could ever want in life. 

I say this from an utmost place of honesty and truth. Yoga can and will help you achieve the life of your dreams, but only if you let it. If you embrace the yoga lifestyle (even if it's just a bit at a time), it will be completely life-changing in the best way possible... AND I want to help you do this! 

Thank you so much again for being here! I hope that you enjoy my website & the content that I share, and I'll see you again soon!
